Learn to Drive
The structure and content of your lessons depend on how much driving experience you have.
What are your weaknesses or driving challenges? What is your confidence, knowledge and general skill level? Our lessons will target individual needs and each lesson will build upon what was previously learned. Practice notes will be given at the end of each lesson for ongoing practice time between lessons. The student’s success is dependent on us working together.
What You Will Learn
Basics: Seat position, mirror adjustments, cockpit, smooth braking and acceleration, hand over hand/shuffle steering, right and left turns, blind spots around vehicle, shoulder checking and 360-degree checks.
Driving With Your Eyes: Looking well-ahead, lane position, observing signs and traffic lights, scanning intersections, lane changes, safe following distance and safe stopping distance behind other vehicles.
Two and 4-way stops, small and large intersections, cul-de-sacs, roundabouts, reversing straight back, 2 and 3-point turns, school zones, playgrounds, potential hazards, emergency procedures and speed maintenance.
Defensive driving is defined as driving to prevent collisions in spite of the actions of others and the conditions around you. Having a driving license means greater independence and freedom, however, it also means great responsibility and the role that you play in improving traffic safety. Driving is a privilege.

Skills That You Will Acquire
Students will become familiar with driver safety and will also be exposed to different parts of the city and driving conditions.
- Hill parking
- Parallel park
- Stall park
- Highway driving
- Downtown driving
- One-way streets
- Bus exchange
- Multiple turn lanes
- Night driving
- Winter driving
- Optional: Bridge/merging
- And more!